Postal Address Validation Software

 There are several different types of postal address validation software available in the market. However, the most popular ones tend to have the same features: real-time postal address validation and batch/bulk verification. If you need to check millions of addresses at a time, you can opt for Xverify, which supports both real-time and batch uploading. Moreover, Xverify has many marketing tools for you to choose from, such as email marketing, direct mail, and affiliate marketing.

postal address verification software

The USPS also has a Web Interface that allows you to verify addresses for free. The system checks each address and provides a thumbs up or down, based on its validation. You can also use an API to validate addresses with other companies. In addition to this, some address validation software also has an on-premise option, which is useful if you prefer to control the process. With these programs, you can easily validate addresses, while you can save time and money.

SmartSoftDQ is another postal address verification software that offers real-time and on-premise solutions. This software has standardized address data for various countries, so you can be sure of the accuracy of any address. The SmartSoftDQ APIs also prevent inaccurate data from entering any system. The AccuMail address verification API validates each address in the USPS database, ensuring that it is valid and compliant. You can use this software to complete missing information, such as the street name and street number.


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